Links and Other Stuff from Dave!™
So just what the hell is this all about??
(Hint: It's about website design and fixing computers and stuff
with the occasional bit of training thrown in!)
Oh! And in case you're wondering, I'm in Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Ireland.
will usually reach me!
Title says it all really…
Right… Well I haven’t got around to it yet, but this is where – hopefully – there will be a load of links to free stuff, such as editors, software development, graphics, productivity and… well… other stuff as I think of it.
Think of it as evolving into a smorgasbord of toys for puppies (or baby racoons – whatever they are called) with the occasional useful thing thrown in.
Just to get you started, and to give you a flavour of my world, here’s a piece on the ‘net from the town I was born in. (And you thought the French system was bad…)
Here’s some new stuff you might be interested in…
Although these links have probably appeared elsewhere in this site, I just thought I’d start bringing stuff together. I’ll probably move it to its own page in the near future.
Smithsonian Institute Open Access
Learn Electronics for free at RSD Academy
James Fridman
Photo by Yannick Menard on Unsplash
Edit: Apparently baby racoons are called “Kits”. Don’t have a clue why, but there you go…
Anydesk is a brilliant remote desktop application (free for personal use only) – it allows you to connect to computers the world over and perform maintenance work, or control your home computer. If you are assisting someone, they are still in charge, and can terminate the session as they please, so it’s completely safe. You can also have chat sessions to instruct your client/really, really old mum or dad/nuisance child how to press the right buttons and, if you are inclined (as I am) you can annoy the hell out of them…
Tradepub is a fantastic free resource for technical journals or such things as white papers. It covers pretty much everything from lifestyle changes to computing. Tons of books, magazines and articles to download and digest at your leisure.
A simply excellent resource. The Smithsonian has opened its collection of images up for anyone to use free of charge or restriction. Some of the stuff might not appeal, but the range of content and quality means you’ll definitely find something to interest you.
Right! For all of you out there who have ever turned on a computer or a radio, only to have a meltdown when you realise that you don’t know how it even works in the first place (or any electronic item for that matter) this is the site for you!
Completely free courses – with certification at the end (though there may be a charge for this) offering everything to do with electronics, and shortly, IT. Go for it!
(Caveat: I’m based in Ireland, and the site is probably for the Americas. But hey! If they can put a truck on Mars they must be doing something right…)
While I have personal doubts about the usefulness of the death penalty, at least in these days we try to make it somewhat humane (there’s a dichotomy if ever there was one)…
Not really so some five or so hundred years ago. Check this out if you want to have nightmares…
You’ll get your sleepless nights here…
Okay, so just because my sense of humour can be a little strange, I thought I’d add this in here. Feel free to submit a photo to this guy, but be warned, you might not like the results and you’ll also have to agree to it being published! Personally, I think he’s hilarious!